
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Dresser Re-DO!

Just wanted to share with you one of my recent projects- it turned out just how I had imagined it! When it was finished I just KNEW this was one I had to hold onto! Plus, it was just the storage we needed. It has opened up many possibilities for future projects. My brain wheels are turning, for sure!

I searched high and low to find file labels! It was also difficult trying to find them for a good price with 12 drawers to label with the addition of the pulls. I didn't want to pay more for hardware than I did the dresser- Hah! However, I knew the look I was going for - so the search continued. Finally, I found a great deal on eBay. The color wasn't quite what I wanted, so I did what I do best and spray-painted them with a lovely silver paint. For the labels I cut up old dictionary pages and antiqued them with coffee grounds...

The dresser seemed like it was still missing something so I painted the top a light gray.  Nice, huh?

What do you think? I am a sucker for anything with a labels on it! I'm preeeeetty sure there will be more in the future... so keep an eye out! 

"Bottle Caddy" - I just had to share this super fun find from TJ Max! :)

 Before picture -  not really much to get excited about. :) Just a boring, "flat" front dresser with NO personality.



  1. omigoodness that thing was hideous before!! I need like a hutch for our living room- white.. haha keep your eye out for me! :) i need it for storage purposes

  2. I just saw a cute one at the DI a week ago! Darn :) But I can definitely help out. Sounds fun! I have an old farm one in my family room to store kids coloring supplies, office supplies, and electronics like cameras.

  3. Oh I love this! You did an amazing job! I got on your site cause I want some new/old stuff, we are moving back to Utah in June so what can I buy from you before then?? oh you can email me
